Long wait for news from Taiwan and succeeded! My works from the "Iceberg" series have been selected for the 2020 Taiwan Ceramics Biennale International Competition. It was my big dream to take part in this amazing exhibition! „Icebergs” will be presented at the New Taipei City Yingge Ceramics Museum in 2020.
Info about exhibition and list of artists: https://en.ceramics.ntpc.gov.tw/

I am very pleased that my latest work from series "Icebergs: Companion" has been qualified for 39 Concurs Internacional de Ceràmica CICA2019 in Spain!
This work will be exhibited in Museu de Ceràmica de l'Alcora in June.

It is a great honor for me to receive the WARTO 2019 award in the category of visual arts awarded this year for the eleventh time and addressed to young Wrocław artists. Many thanks to the Jury for honoring my work.

My objects from the "Icebergs" series are part of the "Para. Ceramics. Graphics" exhibition at Galeria Lazne, Liberec, Czech Republic. The exhibition is open until March 10!
In the picture "Icebergs" corresponding with graphics of prof. Aleksandra Janik.
Photo: Grzegorz Stadnik
Happy to share that my work from series „Trace of shape” has been selected to 12th International Exhibition of Small Form Porcelain, Riga, Latvia. The exhibition is held in Riga Porcelain Museum from 19 October to 18 November 2018.

I would like to invite you to my PhD exhibition "Water - Element - Symbol - Matter" to the City Gallery in Wroclaw. For the first time individually in my water city. Vernissage: October 25 (Thursday) at 18.00. The exhibition is open until 30 November 2018.

Happy to share that my work from series "Landscapes" is a part of exhibition "Ceramics and its Dimensions: Shaping the Future" in Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Czech Republic. This is the last venue of this travelling exhibition.
Thanks to Porzellanikon and Future Lights project for opportunity to present my work in fantastic locations in Germany, Slovenia and Czech Republic.
The exhibition is open between September 4th and November 11th 2018.

I am really honoured to be selected
for European Ceramic Context 2018, Curated. So excited!
My work from series "Icebergs" will be exhibit at Bornholm (Denmark) in September 2018.
More info:
Happy to share that two of my works
will be presented this week in Slovenia!
Work from series "Icebergs" will be a part of
"IV International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018"
and work from series "Landsape" will be presented
with the exhibition
"Ceramics and its dimensions- Shaping the future"
Great to be a part of this amazing ceramic event!

Happy to share that two of my works
will be presented this week in Slovenia!
Work from series "Icebergs" will be a part of
"IV International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018"
and work from series "Landsape" will be presented
with the exhibition
"Ceramics and its dimensions- Shaping the future"
Great to be a part of this amazing ceramic event!

Happy to share that two of my works
will be presented this week in Slovenia!
Work from series "Icebergs" will be a part of
"IV International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018"
and work from series "Landsape" will be presented
with the exhibition
"Ceramics and its dimensions- Shaping the future"
Great to be a part of this amazing ceramic event!

Happy to share that two of my works
will be presented this week in Slovenia!
Work from series "Icebergs" will be a part of
"IV International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018"
and work from series "Landsape" will be presented
with the exhibition
"Ceramics and its dimensions- Shaping the future"
Great to be a part of this amazing ceramic event!

Exhibition „Habitats”
Weronika Lucińska (ceramics)
Joanna Pałys (paintings)
Gallery of Contemporary Art BCK Brzeg-Ratusz

Happy to be selected to
IV. International Ceramics Triennial UNICUM 2018
with my work from series “Icebergs”.
Opening of the exhibition will take place on
May 17, 2018 at the National Museum of Slovenia - Metelkova.
More info:

As an ambassador of ceramics, which is a result
of being a winner of competition Future Light in Ceramics 2017/2018
I was honoured to present my work from series " Icebergs" and tea set "Wave"
at the AMBIENTE Fair 2018 in Frankfurt, Germany.
More about Ambiente:
As an ambassador of ceramics, which is a result
of being a winner of competition Future Light in Ceramics
I am honoured to present my work from series "Landscapes" 2017
at the exhibition Ceramics and its Dimensions:
Shaping the Future.
Exhibition is open from January 30th until April 22th 2018
in Berlin at the Bröhan-Museum.
More about the event:

As an ambassador of ceramics, which is a result
of being a winner of competition Future Light in Ceramics
I am honoured to present my work from series "Landscapes" 2017
at the exhibition Ceramics and its Dimensions:
Shaping the Future.
Exhibition is open from January 30th until April 22th 2018
in Berlin at the Bröhan-Museum.
More about the event:

It's great honour to received a honourable mention
in the 13th International Biennial of Ceramics, Manises
for my work from series "Icebergs".
On 3th of November 2017 was the opening ceremony.
Exhibition will be open until 18th of March 2018
in Museum of Ceramics of Manises, Spain.

3rd edition of Cluj Ceramics Biennale
in Cluj- Napoca, Romania.
I participate with my work from series "Landscapes".
Exhibition is open until November 26.
About the biennale:

I am very happy to announce I have been awarded
a Future Light in Ceramics 2017/2018!
"Future Lights stands for innovative and creative young artists,
designers, art historians and researchers.
Their work has been selected as outstanding
in its modern approach, settings an example
in trends for the future."
It is a great honour to be part of this event.
Jury made the decision at Staffordshire University
on the 3rd of October in Stoke on Trent – UK.
Winning artists/ designers:
Weronika Lucinska (PL)
Sophie Southgate (UK)
Julia Schuster (UK/Austria)
Ahryun Lee (UK/ South Korea)
Maria Gasparian (UK/Armenia)
Chloe Dowds (Ireland)
Read more about competition:

My work from new series "Landscapes" 2017
has been selected for 5th International Triennial of Silicate Arts
in Kecskemet, Hungary.
Theme of this year edition is: Balance.

Great news from Italy!
Work from series "Landscapes" got a honorable mention
at 39th edition of the International Ceramic Art Competition
of Gualdo Tadino City.

My work from series "Icebergs" on exhibition
"La carte et le territoire"
La Galerie du Crous de Paris
Paris, France
Weronika Lucińska
Aleksandra Kujawska
Tomasz Dobiszewski
Roland Grabkowski
Katarzyna Frankowska
Curator: Łukasz Huculak

Exhibition "Absence"
Joanna Pałys (painting)
Weronika Lucińska (ceramics)
Gallery Refektarz

Sanja Ajdišek, Kristin Andreassen, Pınar Baklan Önal, Sarah Bartmann,
Andrea Baumann, Ute Beck, Nirava Silvia Becker, Ilona Broeseliske,
Lotte Buch, Alberto Bustos, Daniel Cavey, Jovana Cavorović, Dingqi Chen,
Mandy Cheng, Sam Chung, Marie-Josée Comello, Cristina D'Alberto,
Sophie Danzer, Yves de Block, Monika Debus, Maurice Dick,
Stathis Dimitriadis, Gabi Ehrminger, Michal Farago, Maurizio Ferrari,
Lynn Frydman Kuhn, Margarete Geffke, Mie Ghesquiere,Martin Goerg,
Hozana Gomes da Costa, Antje Gottwald-Dietrich, Bettina Graber-Reckziegel,
Julie Harbers, Sandra Häuptli, Regula Hauser, Nela Havlíčková,
Nathalie Heid, Lena Hensel, Barbara Hertwig, Beate Höing, Monika W. Huber,
Françoise Joris, Lena Kaapke, Gudrun Kainz, Bokyung Kim, Magdalena Kink,
Helene Kirchmair, Markus Klausmann, Katharina Klug, Anne Köck,
Ipek Kotan, Ihor Kovalevych, Marcel Krummenacher, Toni-Maria Lange,
Ahryun Lee, Minsoo Lee, Nicholas Lees, Inke Lerch, Dick Lion, Ulla Litzinger,
Frank Louis, Weronika Lucińska, Paola Marinuzzi, Carmen Zoraya Martìnez,
Michael Marx, Katharina Mellinghoff, Jacob Meudt, Akashi Murakami,
Ute Naue-Müller, Bahareh Nehjiri, Susan Nemeth, John Newdigate,
Heide Nonnenmacher, Markéta Nováková, Werner Nowka & Monika Schödel-Müller,
Mandy Parslow, Monika Patuszyńska, Rosa Pause, Eva Pelechová,
Danijela Pivasevic-Tenner, Mira Podmanická, Sarah Pschorn,
Finn Dam Rasmussen, Veronica Remmele, Sibylle Ritter,
Walter Rockenbauch, Stephanie Marie Roos, Fritz Roßmann, Jochen Rüth,
Julia Saffer, Roman Šedina, Vicky Shaw, Martina Sigmund-Servetti,
Dean Smith, M.Gökhan Taskin, Ulrike Uschmann, Wim Van Broeck,
Ann Van Hoey, Guy Van Leemput, Marika Vansant, Sasha Wardell,
Thomas Weber, Renate Wegmann, Susanne Weise, Barbara Wieland,
Roswitha Winde-Pauls, Fabienne Withofs, Petra Wolf, Yu-Jui Yang,
Ismet Yüksel, Maged Mohamed Zaky Hassan, Nataliya Zuban
My work from series "End of the edge" at the exhibition
"Focus:Vessel" in Keramikmuseum Westerwald,
Hohr- Grenzhausen, Germany

Claudia Biehne, Evelyn Bracklow, Karien Evers,
Else Gold, Sabine Hagedorn, Weronika Lucinska, Janina Myronowa,
Heide Nonenmacher, Susanne Petzold, Paolo Porelli, Sarah Pschorn,
Laurin Schaub, Maude Schneider, Olaf Stoy, Hannes Uhlenhaut,
Lidia Valente, Marie Volokhova und die Künstlergruppe „Weißer Elefant“,
Andreas Ehret, Olaf Fieber, Tina Hopperdietzel-Creuz,
Silvia Klöde, Sabine Wachs
Porcelain Biennale in Maissen with my objects from series "Habitats".
16th Juli – 18th September 2016

Bibiana Martínez “La montaña mágica” (España)
Miguel Ángel Punter “Secuencia arquitectónica” (España)
Gerardo García y Serafina Balasch “Intelligentia“ (España)
Colectivo Ciudades Imposibles “Ciudades imposibles” (España)
Lorena Sanz Franco “Los gusanos se comieron nuestras casas” (España)
Carmela Tello Font “Vaivén…” (España)
Myriam Martínez “Sutura” (Francia)
Weronika Lucinska ”The aquatic environment” (Polonia)
I am very happy to be selected to CERCO 2016
Ceramic Installations in Centro de Artesanía de Aragón
in Saragossa (Spain) with my project "Aquatic environment".

I prize
Anatomías de la forma
Miguel Molet Chicot (Spain)
II prize
Evening Tides
Satoshi Kino (Japan)
III prize
Oceanarium-From blue to white
Weronika Lucinska (Poland)
I am so happy to report that my work
"Oceanarium- from blue to white"
has won the 3rd prize
in 36 CICA 2016- Concurs Internacional
de Ceràmica in l‘Alcora, Spain!